Olmec Cosmetic Surgery and Hair Transplant Clinic Delhi

Treatment Services


Plastic surgery has evolved to offer you obvious and often dramatic benefits. However it is not for everyone. Please keep in mind…

  • Plastic surgery is not suitable for people who are psychologically not fit i.e. who are prone to mood swings or erratic behaviour or who abuse drugs.
  • Go for it at right time when you don’t feel exceptional stress and you have emotional support available.
  • Patients under 18 will need parental/guardian consent for surgery and must also have achieved certain milestones in growth and physical maturity.
  • You must understand the pros and cons and associated risks of Plastic Surgery, if any, before undergoing any procedure. Please feel free to erase your doubts.
  • Although enhanced appearance may improve your self esteem; it may not directly solve career, marital or emotional problems.
  • There is no promise that the results will look exactly as you have envisioned them. Tissues of different individuals may behave differently leading to variable results
  • Prepare to pay for your cosmetic surgery, as insurance does not cover cosmetic surgery. However reconstructive surgery is covered under insurance.
  • We value your privacy and secrecy; at the same time we encourage you to feel proud of yourself that you have chosen OLMEC – one of the exclusive and best equipped plastic and cosmetic surgery Hospital.

Enhance Your Looks and Live Better.